Your car’s paint should look good. If you want to protect it from even a door ding in a grocery store parking lot, you’ve got to be very careful about where you drive and park it. However, all your efforts to protect the paint have to include protecting it against environmental factors. If you are careful where you park but don’t take exposure to sunlight into consideration, for example, your paint could still be in trouble. There is a solution, though: paint protection film.
What Snow and Ice Can Do
Cold temperatures, snow, and ice, can make your car’s paint crack. The cold causes contraction of the metal in the car, and the paint doesn’t always want to play along. Those cracks can lead to further deterioration and rust as more moisture contacts the unprotected metal under that cracked paint.
What Deicing Materials Can Do
When salt or other deicing materials are left on the roadway, they’re eventually picked up by car tires and flung in all directions. Sometimes, they land on lawns or back on the road, but sometimes, they hit your car, including lower areas that are painted. These corrosive materials can eventually eat through the clear coat and paint. Rust and chips may also eventually appear.
What Heat Can Do
Heat exposure harms paint. If the paint is already damaged, heat can make the damage worse, leading to bubbling and peeling.
What UV Rays Can Do
UV rays are some of the worst environmental factors for car paint. They can ruin clear coats and cause paint to fade and fail. And putting your car under a carport doesn’t help much as the sunlight can still find your car’s paint as the sun rises or sets, sending out rays at an angle. Of course, if you spend a lot of time driving, the car won’t be sheltered at all. Your nice paint job can fade fast as the sun’s rays take their toll.
What Hail Can Do
Hail is a problem. There’s not much you can do to stop large and even moderate hail from denting your car and scratching the paint. And tiny hail isn’t much of an issue; graupel or soft hail, for example, disintegrates so easily that it’s usually not a concern. But then there’s that small hail that can’t dent metal, but can scratch up the side of a car if it falls or bounces just right. Those scratches can lead to rusting and paint oxidation down the road if they are not repaired quickly.
Why PPF Is the Solution
Paint protection film (PPF) can prevent much of this damage. This film is a barrier between the paint and just about everything that can hit it in the environment;, it won’t stop large hail from causing dents, but it can save your paint from the scratching of smaller hail. Anything that can’t get through PPF can’t reach your car’s paint, keeping the paint in great shape for much longer than it would be without the film.
If you’re interested in paint protection film in Eagle, PA, or paint protection film in Frazer, PA, contact Berardi’s Detailing & Auto Body. Your car should look as good as possible for as long as possible, and PPF along with proper cleaning and care can help you and your car achieve that goal.